
CCC’s central hub is its senior management team. This team provides day-to-day management of all ongoing programs, develops new programs and maintains external contacts with business companies, funders and governments. The team is composed of staff members from UoG and WUR, the secretariat is housed by UoG.

In addition to the management team, CCC has an advisory committee and a supervisory board. The advisory committee is composed of representatives of CCC knowledge institutes and business companies and advices the managementteam on topics such as the development and execution of research programs and finance.

The supervisory board is made up of four members from business companies and research institutes and an independent chairperson. They set the general CCC framework and oversee sound administration by senior management.


CCC GertJan_Euverink
Gert-Jan Euverink

Janneke_Krooneman CCC
Janneke Krooneman
business manager

Henks_Schols CCC
Henk Schols

Eva Jermendi CCC
Éva Jermendi

Yvonne Numan CCC
Yvonne Numan

Members of General Advisory Board

Dr. C. (Colja) Laane, chair
Prof. Dr. B. (Bert) Poolman, UoG
Dr. Ir. S. (Sjoukje) Heimovaara, WUR
Dr. M.A. (Marco) van den Berg, DSM
Drs. G. (Gerard) ten Bolscher, AVEBE
Dr. R. (Rolf) Bos, Friesland Campina

Members Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. P. (Paul) de Vos, UMCG
Prof. Dr. Ir. W.J.J. (Walter) Gerrits, WUR
Dr. Ir. G. (Geert) Bruggeman, Nuscience Group
Dr. M. (Marchel) Gorselink, FrieslandCampina

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